10.185 Contrast Sensitivity, Glare, and Quality of Vision

OAC Module #
Contrast Sensitivity, Glare, and Quality of Vision
An understanding of what constitutes good or normal vision is fundamental to the eye care practitioner whose goal is to provide the best vision care to his/her patients. Traditionally, performance on the Snellen chart has been used to measure how well a patient sees, with 20/20 vision being the gold standard for what is considered normal. But life is not lived in a refraction lane and an individual’s visual demands extend beyond the boundaries of the phoroptor. A “perfect” 20/20 vision measured in the doctor’s office may be far from perfect in the real world. Even in the same individual, what is generally considered to be good vision may deteriorate into not-good enough vision under specific work or environmental conditions.
Date of publication
Susan Stenson, MD | Denis Fisk
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